around the world, London, Photograpic, Places

Facades of happiness

happiness is an interesting thing. so very intangible, slipping through your fingers, making you pursue the chase over and over again. come to think of it, what is even being happy? and do we know when we are? last autumn i spent quite some time lingering upon this. the circumstances gave me both mental space and opportunity to ponder the subject. having this glade of time for self-exploration in an otherwise paced life was greatly valuable. i read. listened to other people’s experiences. made choices solely with regards to what i enjoyed and felt i gained from in that particular moment. went running. studied what i felt like. explored new places. went to the same places over and over again. experienced flow. thought.

of course this was a luxury with limitations. at some point you need to do the boring stuff, take others into consideration when choosing. but it taught me something and i had time to figure out my values and priorities. i learnt to appreciate even more the little things passing you by in haste. being caught by the beauty of the afternoon sky. the old facades in my home quarter. a perfect apple. my sisters stream of words. the smile of my friend. a soft sweater. playing the same song over and over. and this makes a huge difference.

my conclusion to this experience is that giving a little thought as to how we can affect our happiness is greatly valuable. to think about the way we approach life and it’s challenges. you just need to make a little time to figure out about what makes you feel good. life can be fantastic or it can be a never-ending struggle. why pick the hard way?

We’ve come so far, it feels so real.
All this time, that we’ve waited for it.
And who we are, and where we’re going to.
All this time, preparing for it.
Sort of Revolution, Fink

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All content by © Sofia Hellsten 2010-2013. All rights reserved.

around the world, London, Photograpic

When in England.

last week-end i went to london to visit Em, browse photo galleries, have long breakfasts and re-visit all my favourite spots. pizza at Princi, hot chocolate at Verde & Co, jewelry at Spitafields market, art at Tate, tea at Fortnum & Mason, dance at Barts, shopping at Whistles, a peek into Swallow street, breakfast at Gail’s, lunch at Daylesford, stroll in Kensington Gardens, sleep-over in South Ken. burgers at Byron. a good week-end away.

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All content by © Sofia Hellsten 2010-2013. All rights reserved.


Bright star.

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art —
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like Nature’s patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth’s human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors —
No — yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow’d upon my fair love’s ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever — or else swoon to death.




Imorgon kommer systrami och hänger med mig några dagar i London. Wei!

Just nu sitter jag och försöker lära mig lite olika argentinska viner innan jag börjar jobba på riktigt.  Idag påvägen hit upptäckte jag några små nya diamanter i Soho som jag måste se till att utforska kommande veckor. Jag lovar att berätta.

Jag börjar komma in i jobbet ordentligt nu, två veckor kvar till slutprovet och wine-training tre dagar denna vecka, sedan är jag färdiglärd.

Vuxen poäng: Jag har börjat dricka kaffe (på riktigt), vilket inte är så bra. En cappuccino om dagen (!) för en tedrickare är ganska mycket. Jag får försöka att inte fastna bara..

Osammanhängade inlägg, men whateva.


Jag tappade bort min röst någonstans på vägen.

Senaste dagarna har varit intensiva. Vi har varvat lektioner med, pubhäng, inpräntande av olika vindruvor och champagne, ett till prov, en “live academy” där vi fick använda all vår nya kunskap praktiskt. Jag klarade provet och börjar jobba på riktigt på torsdag. Så nu ska jag kurera min röst och försöka vara så tyst som möjligt fram till dess.

Det blir till att  dricka en massa te idag alltså.

Ute är det en sån där solig höstdag med klarblå himmel och lagom kyligt. Crisp and clear.

Jag har ätit havrepannkakor till brunch och ska nog ta mig ut en stund nu snart, måste införskaffa ett par skor inför jobbstarten (bara höga klackar som gäller!).
