festive eat, sweet eat

Easter chocolates and DIY dyed decoration eggs

i’ve had four hectic weeks. hardly having any meals at home since days at my internship has been long (and there’s been a fantastic chef that making lunch for the office every day…). plus i’ve been working on this really fun project with a friend, that we’re soon to release. so i wouldn’t say that the coming weeks will be less hectic but i will try to make room for some cooking again – maybe when going home for easter? however i started with the easter candy one week early, couldn’t keep myself. here you go.

Easter, tiny pumpkin seed chocolates | piecefully

Easter, tiny pumpkin seed chocolates | piecefully

Tiny pumpkin seed chocolates
150 ml pumpkin seeds
3 tbsp raw cacao
1 tbsp coconut sugar
1 tbsp agave syrup
pinch sea salt

toast the pumpkin seeds until they have “popped”, make sure not to burn them. set aside. the coming part you need to be quite quick and attentive so that you don’t burn the sugar. melt the coconut sugar on low temperature, when starting to melt add most of the cocoa, half the agave syrup and mix. directly add half of the pumpkin seeds the rest of the syrup an cocoa and mix again until the seed starts to be covered. sprinkle with sea salt, add the natural pumpkin seed and set to cool.

Easter, DIY natural dyed decoration eggs | piecefully

dyed easter eggs for decoration
eggs (as many as you plan to dye)
white wine vinegar

the colors:
purple beetroot works fine (however i used left over frozen pomegranate seeds)
yellow turmeric (powder)
for the golden I cheated and used gold spray…

to empty the eggs make a hole with the needle at the top if the egg – and a little bit larger one at the bottom. now blow from the top until the shell is empty (make sure to use the eggs for cooking or baking!). rinse with water, and blow that out as well. on the stove put water, a dash of vinegar, som salt and the choice of dye in a pot. fill the empty eggs with some water and put in the pot. bring to a boil and let boil for approximately 15 minutes – turning the eggs now and again. discard the water, let the eggs cool and then empty them of water. tadaa.

All content by © Sofia Hellsten 2010-2014. All rights reserved.


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