eats, morning eat, sweet eat

Plum delights

Breakfast muffins with plums | piecefullyIMG_9132
it’s been a lack of updates recently. i’ve been preparing for and starting school again, that’s why. though i’ve had time to make use of those early autumn delights. these plums made two wonderful breakfasts.

Breakfast muffins with plums
– 2 big, or three small
1 egg
1/4 dl ground flax seeds
1/2 dl oats flour (made from ca 1 dl oats)
A little more than 1/2 dl almond flour
1/2 dl oat milk
1 tbsp agave syrup/honey
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cardamom, freshly ground
1 tbsp olive oil
a pinch of sea salt
one small plum

mix the dry ingredients and whisk up the egg. mix the two parts together with the olive oil, syrup and oat milk. pour the batter in to muffin forms and put a couple of slices of plum in each of them. bake off in the oven at  200°c for ca 15 min.

Breakfast muffins with plums | piecefully  IMG_9210  Plum crumble | piecefully

Plum pie crumble
you can see the recipe above but i’ll type it out aswell

3 plums, wedged
1 dl (100 ml) oats
3/4 dl (75 ml) almond flour
1/2 dl (50 ml) coconut sugar
30 g butter
ground cardamom

wedge the plums, put in a tray and sprinkle with cardamom. using your hands, mix together the rest of the ingredients into a crumble and cover the fruit. bake for ca 15 minutes at 175°c, or until golden. indulge with greek/turkish yoghurt on the side.

All content by © Sofia Hellsten 2010-2013. All rights reserved.

eats, fast eat, salt eat, vegeterian eat

Peas and music.

IMG_9022  IMG_8951  Green pea pesto | piecefully

when i got home from gothenburg on sunday afternoon i was super hungry, but had hardly nothing in the fridge to work with. so this is what i whipped up. originally i though of doing something with edamame (hence the japanese somen noodles) but i realised that green peas was the only thing in my freezer, so i went with those instead. and as for the noodles – they’re one of my favorites. oh and by the way, way out west was magical, especially the three hours of pure happiness we experienced under this giant disco ball during Giorgio Moroder’s daytime session.

easy pea noodles
(good for one)

ca 1 dl (100 ml) green peas, fresh or thawed
a small glove of garlic
grated parmesan cheese
fresh parsley
a dash of olive oil
sea salt
japanese somen noodles enough for one person (soba or angel hair spaghetti works fine as well)

put everything except the noodles in a mixer and season to your liking with parsley, parmesan and pepper. cook the noodles for 1,5 min in boiling water, drain and rinse briefly in cold water to prevent them from sticking together. mix in the pea pesto and serve up.

All content by © Sofia Hellsten 2010-2013. All rights reserved.

eats, Sweden, sweet eat

Go nuts





i went to Hälsingland again on my way north and we stopped by another amazingly beautiful farmhouse. if i would have tea here i would serve these cookies along with it, and maybe some of this.

Nut dreams
100 g hazelnuts
100 g walnuts
2 eggs
3 tbsp honey
1,5 tbsp cacao nibs
pinch of sea salt

hazelnuts for decoration

grind the nuts into a powder using a nut grinder, if you don’t have one use a mixer instead (this won’t give you as fine powder a the grinder though). mix the nut flour with the rest of the ingredients, and adjust the sweetness to you liking. Using a spoon, put the batter in small mountains on baking paper. Put a hazelnut in the middle of every cookie and then bake at 175C for ca 15 min. the dreams turn out chewy with a nice chocolate twist from the cocoa nibs.

All content by © Sofia Hellsten 2010-2013. All rights reserved.

any day eat, eats, fast eat, salt eat

Sandwiches: same base, two versions

i’m back in stockholm after a week up north. though just for a couple of days before i travel down south. so i’ll keep it short this time. this is either for when you’re alone and really post-workout hungry. or when it’s two of you and you crave a savory light dinner. or just make one of ’em for a snack.

from the mountain side. “slåtterblomma” in swedish

Caribbean  sandwich | piecefully Mediterranean sandwich | piecefully
the base
2 slices of sourdough bread
olive oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
100 g greek goats cheese (or feta)
2 spoons of ricotta cheese
6 cherry tomatoes
a couple of slices of red pepper
2 handfuls of red chard

Mediterranean sandwich | piecefully
for the mediterranean
1/2 a aubergine, in thin slices
1/2 a red onion
fresh thyme

Caribbean  sandwich | piecefully
for the caribbean
1/2 a avocado
1/2 a mango
fresh parsley

it’s pretty straight forward but just incase:
start of with the aubergine. slice it in thin slices and put on a tray. salt them and let sit until water has emerged, then dry them of and roast in the oven at 230°c for about 10-15 min. mash together the ricotta and the goat’s cheese. slice up the vegetables and rinse the chard. heat up a generous dash of olive oil in a frying pan, add some sea salt and a garlic clove that you’ve crushed with the broad side of the knife. fry the bread on both sides until it’s crisp and has some colour.  spread out the cheese on the bread and stack the vegetables on top.

All content by © Sofia Hellsten 2010-2013. All right reserved.
