around the world


so i did spend another week in the mountains. but different ones this time. surrounded by the astonishing peaks of mont blanc, les grand montets, l’aguille de midi, l’aguille de vert to name a few. the mountains works curious wonders with your well-being. it is like returning as a new person. so my resolution for the coming year is to visit the mountains more. much more.

All content by © Sofia Hellsten 2010-2014. All rights reserved.

Places, Sweden

White days.

after a few days up north i am back to repack my bags and then head to more southern mountain tops.

there is something about mountains. some kind of mystery that lingers. a taking, enigmatic feeling. and then of course there is the freedom. the clean air and the scenery faraway – of mountains, forests, sky and lakes. it fills you up and makes it hard to leave. what makes it even more amazing is when i put on a pair of skis. i then laugh from the top of the mountain down to the valley. the happiness flooding though me is amazing. and i never want to stop. ever.

this feeling made me start to wonder why so much of what is written, filmed, recorded, painted is about the painful moments in life. why don’t we focus more on the things that make us feel good? when someone asks how you have been, why don’t we answer with the best thing that has happened lately? when you make your new years resolutions why are they not about doing more of something that makes you happy? when the temperature creeps below zero why don’t you focus on the refreshing air that comes with it instead of complaining at the cold? i will continue to let the tiny but happy moments and situations fill me, allowing the good stuff to take time and space.

All content by © Sofia Hellsten 2010-2014. All rights reserved.
